InvestmentLandLand Investor FeaturesLand Investor Guide

Land, Legacy, and Opportunity: The Essence of Ranch Ownership

As a co-host on the Land Investor Podcast, I’ve had the privilege of engaging with remarkable individuals whose profound expertise spans diverse subjects such as conservation, nurturing wildlife habitats, restoring streams, responsible land management, and successful ranch operations. Reflecting on these enriching episodes, a recurring theme becomes strikingly evident – the opportunity of ownership. Delving deeper, it becomes clear that land ownership presents an extraordinary chance for individuals to make a positive and lasting difference. Imagine being able to shape the land, influence ecosystems, and contribute meaningfully to the very communities you’re a part of. The concept of ownership’s transformative

Strategies for Managing Wildlife to Cultivate Trophy-Quality Animals

I have been a student of animal health my whole life. Growing up in Eastern Oregon on a 22,000 acre ranch ignited an interest in the wildlife our land hosted from a young age. This land was not only a source of sustenance and livelihood for my family but also ignited an enduring passion for […]

Precision & Passion: The Art of Long-Range Shooting

The Thrill and Precision of Long-Range Shooting Long-range shooting, as both a sport and a skill, marries the thrill of precision, the challenge of distance, and the art of marksmanship. This discipline extends beyond merely hitting a target; it encompasses an understanding of ballistics, environmental factors, and meticulous equipment calibration. In the realm of sports, […]