HuntingLand Investor FeaturesLand Investor Guide

Montana’s New Game-Changer: House Bill 635 and Four Other Proven Strategies to Maximize Hunting Opportunities for Non-Resident Landowners

In one of our more recent Land Investor Podcast episodes, Montana Hunting Tags: Resident and Non-Resident Applications, my co-host Matt Henningsen and I dive into the strategies accessible to a non-resident landowner aiming to enhance their chances of obtaining a general license or special permit for big game hunting in Montana. Before I get into the nuances of that conversation, let me first point out that Black Bear, Wolf, and Mountain Lion permits are available over the counter for nonresident sportsmen and women, though they might be subject to quotas in specific hunting districts. Now that the big game nonresident

Sporting Trophy: A Young Hunter Hangs Her First Pair of Antlers

An Interview with Charli Scott, Branif Scott, and Vinny Delgado Last fall, while many teens were glued to their screens, scoping out the latest trends, 14-year-old Charli Scott was laser-focused on the scope of her 7MMO8 rifle, intent on taking a bull elk. This wasn’t her first ‘rodeo,’ but it would be her first elk. […]

Unlocking the Potential of Plant-Based Carbon Sequestration

The increasing concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the Earth’s atmosphere is a pressing global issue that has been affecting our planet since the Industrial Revolution. Runaway atmospheric carbon is foreseeable at some point in the future if global emissions remain unchanged. Technological and terrestrial solutions can be deployed to prevent atmospheric carbon levels from […]